Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Senior Year- Part 1

Senior Year- Part 1

How in the good earth do I find myself a senior in my last year at good ole Westlake High school? How has four years gone by so quickly? I remember my first day at Westlake. All four of us Benson sisters walked into a brand new school where we were the new kids on the block. I remember this day very clearly because it was quite bizarre actually. I only knew a few kids from my neighborhood from over the summer and was terrified to go to the largest school in Utah (at the time). Who would I sit with at lunch? What if I get lost (which is quite possible considering Westlake is enormous)? Who do I talk to during class? Do I dare crack a joke or play it cool? How will I ever find my sisters?! But all fear was settled as soon as I took my first step into my new home for the next four years. Music blasting over the speakers, a crowd of people gathered around a giant flashmob in the center of the commons, my journey at Westlake High had just begun.

This year I've tried with all my might to absorb every moment of Senior Year and just go for it! Whatever it may be, have fun, let loose, and live it up!I've always been the school-spirited, peppy girl on the front row ("Just call me front-row Joe"), and have loved every moment of Senior Year so far. It's unfathomable to think that it's halfway over. I don't want it to end.

I'm not one of those kids that will forever be stuck in high school and always brings up the 'glory days', but will truly miss the people, dances, basketball games, rivalries, nascar races on  Pioneer Crossings, pool parties, attendance school (only because we play Nintendo DS there), environment of high school. 

It's been an amazing journey so far. But I'm excited to see what hooligan, hood rat adventures are still to be had.

Here's part 1 of my senior year:


Haha this picture makes me laugh just looking at it! On a random day in the summer, Flick, Kbugga and I were watching tv and then concluded it would be a great idea to take a picture of us as farmers.. I honestly have no idea why. So, I cut and styled Kbugga some overalls, braided Flick's lucius locks, set up the tripod, and then looked as fierce as possible. 
"This month's issue of Farmers Weekly".

And so our signature picture was created. 

The Benson cabin is always one of my favorite places to be summer, fall, winter, or spring, it's oodles and bunches of fun.

Hello Portlandia and welcome home sister Benson! Oregon is absolutley stunning. I met some of the most inspiring people who I will remember forever on this trip. Although the RV was exceedingly bouncy and loud, it was a blast. We discovered that the best place to catch air is on the giant bed in the back. Just be prepared to hit your head or feel like the rules of gravity no longer apply in an RV. 

Free for interpretation.

Welcome home Elder Benson!

Good bye warm sun on my face, endless hours to enjoy, swimming in the backyard, carnivals, snow cones, tan lines, and all happiness and joy in the world. Just joshin'. But really. 

2014-15 SCHOOL YEAR 

Rivalry football game against the Lehi Pioneers. With 4.2 seconds left, Nate the great kicked a field goal and won the game for us! All Westlakers stormed the field and screeched the school fight song and then shouted, "This is Westlake territory", as always when we destroy our enemy. Defeating Lehi is equivalent to winning the super bowl for Westlake.

This captures the very essence of Mitchell Byrd. Haha we found out that we were nominated for Homecoming Royalty and had just finished a lunch-time activity. I was attempting to make him look like the joker..don't ask why. Mitchell Byrd is one of the greatest people I have ever been privileged to meet. He can always make me laugh!

Homecoming Royalty ft. Seniors and Juniors during the Homecoming parade. Followed by a vicious game of powder puff. Naturally the senior wrecked. Holla holla gucci. 

This year I played first varsity doubles with Sadie Monson and we were both the team captains! Before and after each tennis match, I would listen to the Piña Colada song, haha I'm so weird, and apparently I would sing along on the bus and the team heard me singing so it became an inside joke all season. But coach did not fancy that song all too much, which made us want to sing it even more!

My homecoming court bio: "Rachel Benson, formally known as Raphael, is being escorted tonight by her parents Dale and Fawn Benson. As a senior, Rachel is involved in Yearbook, Seminary Council, Varsity Tennis, and Thundervision. She enjoys life as a Hobbit, disco skating every saturday, and blue Jones sodas. Her dopplegånger is Deadpool and she aspires to be Oprah Winfrey someday. Rachel's greatest wish is for everyone to have a friend. Give it up for Rachel Benson everyone". It was such an honor to win homecoming queen this year! Thanks Westlakers.

Queen Bee and Princess Get It Dunn.

Ahh Braden Allred is one of the most wonderful humans alive! He was a fabulous date. Always talking and laughing. He made my senior Homecoming perfect. We swing danced all night long!

Our signature pose.

I guess I can check riding in a school bus for a high school dance off my list. 

Real Slim Sk8rs

At the end of my junior year, as a small group of friends, we would go disco sk8ing every Saturday at the classic fun center in either Orem or Sandy. The DJ at Orem (Keaton..yeah we're on a first name basis) is much better. We continued to go all summer and still go. I can't explain why I enjoy it as much as I do, but sk8ing just makes you feel free to dance and sing and go crazy!  We call ourselves...pause for dramatic effect...
The Real Slim Sk8rs. 

This night was particularly funny! I was sk8ing around, jammin and such, when I hear the DJ say, "Allllright all you sk8rs! It's time to pick our dancing queen of the night! Get out on the rink and show us what you've got!". Um hello?! He was practically challenging me to a sk8 off! I mean come on. So I get out there, I'm sk8ing as fast as I can to ABBA and..well..let's just say being the dancing queen for even just one night never felt so good. I was given this weird coupon and everything! Sk8ing is a way of life.

After lots and lots of practice, and after many holes had been burning in the knees of our leggings, Flick and I finally mastered this move. Looks pretty sick when you're sk8ing along and then drop down and start pushing yourself along with your hand. You know, cool kids on the block. No biggie.


Sometimes we skip class to eat crazy-style pizza. It's chill.

Kbugga and I fulfilled our life-long dream of being Hobbits for Halloween. I made our shorts..haha not my best sewing project! While at school we did indeed say, "I think we may be lost. You see, we're on our way to Mordor, could you point us in the right direction?"

$5 movie Tuesday with some hooligans.

"Temple Tuesday on a Thursday"

My personal favorite time of the year, basketball season. I love the student section battles and cheer offs and drill performance at half time. JMac, Gusto, King Kelly, Madx, and I stand on the front row together. "Come on ref! Let the kids play!"

This was one of the best nights of Senior Year so far. Hands down. We started the night by going bowling, I won of course. Then, we went laser tagging. Which apparently I was nominated on our team to be the shield and take the shots for everyone. But hey! Our team almost one so it was worth it. Then we hit up the arcade. After gathering all the tickets Nick and I had won, we were each able to purchase an orange string ring, which we both promised to keep on till graduation. We'll see how that goes. And then, my favorite part, we went to a dance at PG High. The theme was 'Save Ferris' so naturally it was stellar! We partied hard and dance all night to some good 80's tunes.

"Going postal."


Levi purchased tickets for our family to go to an exclusive early showing of the final Hobbit. The last time Peter Jackson would create J.R.R.Tolkin's vision, the last time Howard Shore would produce such moving music, the last time a Hobbit would go on an unexpected journey. 

Hoopla!! A Very Benson Wedding! And the first one too. 

So far, Senior Year has been the best one yet. Filled with friends, crazy adventures, spontaneous super smash bros tournaments, lots and lots of sk8ing, deep talks, testimony-building experiences, strengthening family members, learning to let go of fear, cheer on Westlake, serve whomever and however, love others, and to love myself.

As I continue the second half of my last year, I want to continue to reach out to kids, always remember to have fun, and be myself! If I was to be remember as one thing, I would want to be remember for being a kind person who cared. I want people to know I love them and have a strong testimony of my Savior Jesus Christ. 

It's been an amazing beginning, and the best is yet to come. 


  1. Most perfect blog post ever. I love it so much! (PS you are flawless in every picture!)

    1. Oh Hannah dear, this is why I love you so. Thank you gorgeous.
