Sunday, February 22, 2015

I Love To See The Temple


This week I had the wonderful blessing of going the temple. Once, with my best friend, and another with Seminary Council. I feel so blessed to have a best friend who has a strong testimony of the gospel and shares a desire to attend the temple often. She inspires me to always be found worthy of the Holy Ghost. And also, my friends on Seminary Council. I love them dearly and they are a marvelous example to me each day of putting the Lord first and magnifying your calling. We have grown closer together as we love and serve others and attend the temple.

It's incredible to live within sight of so many temples. They stand so beautiful and tall, as a beacon of light, hope, and truth.

Both times that I attended the temple this week, I had a similar experience. I felt the spirit bare witness to me that the youth that are living on the earth today have a specific mission. Heavenly Father sent the youth of this time to be valiant missionaries who, just as temples, stand as a beacon of light, hope, and truth for ALL. To stand as "a voice for good, a voice for the gospel, a voice for God".

We live in a time of rapid growth and discovery. People are seeking the truth, and we as members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,  need to be anxiously engaged in bringing others to the truth. But in order to do so, a foundation of testimony must first be founded. And Heavenly Fathers desires so badly for each of His children to gain an unwavering testimony, for their own personal salvation, and more importantly, the salvation of others. "You cannot travel down what Lehi called "forbidden paths" and expect to guide others to the "strait and narrow" one-it can't be done". 

If you do not yet have a testimony of Jesus Christ or Joseph Smith or this gospel, ask and ye shall receive. Kneel in humble prayer to our Heavenly Father. Search the scriptures. Ponder. Allow the Holy Ghost to touch your heart and bare witness to you. Do all these things not once or twice, but continually until you have received a confirmation of the truth and a testimony for yourself. Then, you can begin to direct others through your own light.
"Missionary work isn't the only thing we need to do in this big, wide, wonderful Church. But almost everything else we need to do depends on people first hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ and coming into the faith". 

Temple work is another way to stand as a beacon of light, hope and truth. It is for the living members of the church and the redemption of the dead. (see 'What Temples are For' by W. Grant Bangerter)I have come closer to my Savior and Heavenly Father through embarking in the service of God and attending the temple often. "Yea, and my presence shall be there, for I will come into it, and all the pure in heart  that shall come inot it shall see God". (D&C 97:16)I have a testimony of temple work. It brings joy and blessings into our lives as we help others who are dependent on our service. There is a unique spirit felt in the temple. It is a place of peace and a place to be reclaimed.  

We never came to earth to save ourselves,
 but to save each other.

Excerpts from 'We Are All Enlisted' by Jeffrey R. Holland.

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