Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Benson Family

The Benson Family

Every Sunday we have family dinner at the table. Once we have all sat down and started eating, my dad will lead a gospel discussion. It wasn't till tonight that I realized how much I'm going to miss that. Hearing my parents and siblings bare their testimonies every Sunday evening, gathered around delicious food, all together. It is something I look forward to every week.

I want my future kids to grow up in a family just like my family. Centered around the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. With a home filled with the spirit. I want each of my kids to feel loved and important. 

Tonight we watched, 'Little Woman', one of my mom's favorite movies to watch on Sunday as a family. With out fail, I will always cry in that movie. Not matter how many times I've seen it, the relationship between the four sisters and their mom, is beautiful and touches my heart. It reminds me a lot of my own family. I cherish the special time we have together all in the same house. When I grow up, I won't have the blessing of seeing them everyday anymore.

I am going to miss:
  • My Dad's Mrs.Doubtfire impersonation. He is the biggest goon I know, but I love him even more for that.
  • Family game night aka: compete to the death until you make it to the top and then proceed to gloat until everyone knows you are now supreme commander and chief of the household.
  • Adam's crazy dance moves or his Sponge Bob voices.
  • Watching all the NBA games with Drew. Who will scream and shout with me and act as if it's the end of the world when our team loses?
  • Alia's pumpin' toons. I might even dare say she is the best DJ in the Benson house hold. DJ A-baybay's got style.
  • Dancing endlessly around in the kitchen with Sarah Kay. She is known internationally for her impeccable and very...hmm..'unique' dance moves. Someday I may be as skilled as she is. 
  • My Mom. Haha she makes me laugh like none other. We have grown to become best friends and I will dearly miss our late-night talks. She is always there to listen to me. I am going to miss that immensely.
  • Jessica's loyalty. She is kind and compassionate. She will drop everything just to spend time with you. Odds are she'll even take you out to lunch, which is always nice. Especially Sean's Smokehouse (our favorite place to eat together). Jess is very loving.
  • And Kiersten. Oh my dear Kiersten. I can hardly comprehend the day when Kiersten and I will no longer live in the same house. It pains my heart to think I will one day be parted from my twin. Sure we will still see each other, but it will never be quite the same as it is now. Down the hall from each other. Always there to listen, laugh, dance, or talk. Our entire lives have been spent by each others side. 
Heavenly Father has blessed my with the most wonderful family I could possibly imagine. Each member of my family is absolutely amazing. I can honestly say, my brothers and sisters are my best friends. Growing older, I now realize just how important each and every one of them are to me. I love them dearly. I want them each to succeed and find happiness. I want them to each stay strong in the gospel of Jesus Christ, for that is the way to true happiness. My mom and I often talk about how incredible it will be to have every single member of our family in the temple together. I can hardly wait for that day.

I am eternally thankful to my Heavenly Father for blessing me with an amazing family. I will remain faithful and worthy to enter into the temple, where I can make covenants and then have a family of my own, filled with love and the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Benson Family 2011.

This was the last time our family was all together.

And yes, that is most certainly me in the blue shirt next to my dad and Alia. My oh my, how I have changed. 

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